
Finally getting back, Eric. Yeah, pacificism comes in various ways. Mine comes from the New Testament and Historic Peace Churches. Also, from the reality that all war is wrong headed. On this Memorial Day I lament the total waste of lives in wars.

I’m doing well. Days are simple. Life good with Cinny. We are into 28 Days of Joyful Writing on Death. A Stoic in Scotland is our guide. 8 days to go. Go experience. I’m writing from Dunkin’ at exit 19. Cheap coffee shop. Maybe we could meet here sometime.

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No wonder you're a pacifist. I think I once shot a bird from a long distance down at the creek with my bb gun, and I wasn't sure if I hit it or not, so I walked up to where it had been, and there was just a blood trail and no bird. I felt so awful I never shot at an animal again, but I still enjoyed shooting at inanimate targets.

Sorry I didn't comment on previous two posts. I've been a little preoccupied with some things. But, I always like to hear about people's spiritual journeys or musings, and I plan to re-read those posts and maybe I'll comment further. Hope you are well.

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Goodness - sounds Lord-of-The-Flies esque.


Makes me not want to order the birds egg soup.


We shouldcinsider arming the birds. Perhaps some small incendiary bombs they could rain on neighborhoods. With aufficient retaliation capabilities, perhaps afetent of sorts could be established.

😊 Mostly Kidding 😊

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