Same here. They raised their prices, so I don't go as often! We'll schedule to meet up. Hope you are well.

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Hey, Roger. Enjoying your writings still, especially this one. I haven't been commenting lately, because you were including a lot of material your brother wrote in your previous writings, and not so much about your life or thoughts.

I had trouble signing in, maybe because I got a new phone, or hadn't signed-in in a long while.

Flagstaff , and Arizona, is beautiful. But, yes, a lot has changed in 60+ years. I must say, I preferred the country when it was less crowded and more open and adventurous up as late as the 80's. But, can't stop 'progress.'

Glad to see you are writing quite a bit, now. Hope to see you soon at the coffee shop.

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Thanks, Eric, for your response. I get to the coffee shop so little these days. Maybe we need to schedule a time.

Yes, I would like to return to some of the olden days but it seems like we must keep on…..progress is questionable, isn’t it?

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