
I would be pleasant to be face-to-face to discuss your great responses to Death Snippets. Very thoughtful stuff from you.

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Thanks, Howard, so good.

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It sounds good!


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Walt Whitman's seminal 1855 poem 'Song of Myself', from his collection Leaves of Grass:

Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.).

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Orson Scott Card, the Sci-Fi writer, had his main character serving as Speaker for the Dead. Deep, radical truth telling.

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Oh Yes, I knew him. He was a scoundrel and a bad ass in business - if you crossed him.

However, if he took a liking to you, his warmth and caring was like a god of olympus pouring quantum favors down on you.

He was a three martini lunch guy, a 007 of the CPA world and a devout imperialist when it came to politics. He believed the U.N. should be scrapped and something akin to Ayn Rand's ideals be set free and unregulated.

We are complex multifaceted beings with depths of urges that are destructive and beautiful.

Let the stories of those who have lived and moved on be told truthfully and holistically.

A whitewashed eulogy does not do justice to the dead or those who survive.


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