
Fun post to write! In preparing the post I learned that Lymon died of heroin OD at 25! Also, a coin flip was made that fateful day of the plane crash. Choice of taking a bus or the plane to next stop.Waylon Jennings was avCricket (didn’t know that) Buddy says to Waylon “ Hope you bus freezes. “ Waylon responded”Hope your plane crashes.” !!!!!!! Jennings was haunted by that til he died in 2002!!!!!

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I enjoyed writing the piece. I have a couple tidbits to share with you out of some google searches. Just packing more trivia into my head that will fall away in a day or two.

Your thoughts are delightful.

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Get out of the closet bee-bopper!! :). Fun post dad. Jerry is quite the showman eh?!

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I enjoyed watching and listening to this bit of culture that I missed. I remember watching American Bandstand when I was 9 or 10 and thinking how cool the dancing looked, and I couldn't wait till I was old enough to do that. But by the time I was twelve, all anybody was doing was the twist (and the mashed potatoes!), and from there on it seemed to get worse. I never mastered those weird dances they did in the 70s, but then I didn't really try. I was into other things by then. Thanks for the Jerry Lee Lewis clip especially--I had never seen him before. Quite a character!

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